Welcome to our GO TO BED Series, where we get under the sheets (metaphorically speaking) with interesting humans to chat all things career, beauty, wellness, self-care, and everything in between. Kicking us off, is Ash Hipwood, a self-confessed foodie and co-founder of Scarlet: the industry-shaking period brand for the new generation.

Name: Ash Hipwood
Pronoun: She / Her
Star Sign: Taurus

Hey Ash, thanks for popping our ‘GO TO BED’ cherry. We’re excited to learn more about you, Scarlet and your night-time rituals. Let's start with an easy one. Who are you?

My name is Ash. I’m a true Taurean by nature, resilient, stubborn and a lover of comforts. I grew up on the sunny Gold Coast, and I’m currently living in Bangalow, NSW. I have a light - moderate flow, suffer from raging PMS and am an avid period underwear advocate. I work in marketing by day and I’m one of the co-founders at Scarlet. I'm a massive foodie, amateur tennis player and hot yoga enthusiast. Having just moved into my new home, my current obsession is sourcing new trinkets for the house.

Scarlet has helped revolutionise the way we perceive and experience periods. Can you tell us about your brand?

Scarlet is a period brand for the new generation. We’re focused on creating a more sustainable, supported and enjoyable monthly self care routine. The menstrual cycle is one of the most important things in life, yet it remains a mystery for most of us and it’s not something we all have a positive relationship with. We want to help change that through design and innovation, putting the same emphasis on products for your menstrual cycle as you’d expect from your favourite beauty brands. 

What motivated you to create Scarlet? 

We wanted to breathe new life into an industry that remained largely unchanged for YEARS. We wanted to create wildly better period underwear that was comfy and sustainable, that could make you feel sexy and confident on your period - because that’s what you deserve to feel. And here we are. Scarlet is about putting periods at the front and center of health and wellness, by creating products that create a better relationship with your cycle and a more period-positive future.

For so long, periods felt like an embarrassing topic. Scarlet really helped normalise the conversation. Did you always feel comfortable talking about periods?

I’ve never felt any shame talking about periods. In fact, I love getting people to talk openly about it. It’s what helped start the concept of Scarlet, by opening the dialogue and asking my girlfriends the question, “so, tell me about your period?” Simply having these conversations made me realise everyone is different, everyone experiences different symptoms and we have so much to learn (and gain) from knowing and taking control of our cycle for our overall health and well-being. 

What has been the most challenging and rewarding thing about co-founding Scarlet?

There are so many things that make starting hard, the biggest thing for us was juggling full-time work. Regardless of all the barriers you come up against, believing in what you are doing will break down every barrier. For us, believing in the product and the positive impact we can help create made it a lot easier to work through. We love collaborating with like-minded startups in the industry like FLIPKIP who can help us continue the important conversation around periods, cycles, and self-care.

What impact do you want yourself and Scarlet to have on the world?

Being a woman is such a superpower. Knowledge is power, and I hope that everyone who has a period, feels confident, secure, and empowered to take control of their cycle, and feel more in tune with their emotions so they can live a better life. Periods are hard enough, we just want to make the experience better, as best we can.

How do you switch off at the end of the day?

I get a lot of screen time throughout the day, so I love to come home and unwind. For me, that looks like cooking a nice meal with my partner, with a nice glass of Pinot in hand, a chill playlist, or an episode of Friends playing in the background, and chatting about the day just gone. 

What are your non-negotiable night-time rituals?

What are your tips for a good night's sleep?

Avoiding screen time a couple of hours before bedtime, as it zaps melatonin. Lavender oil and the Calm App for bedtime sleep stories.

Describe your perfect night in.

Cooking a good meal or ordering in. Discovering a new brand of wine. I can’t go past a cheesy movie!

What are your comfort essentials when you’re on your period?

I live in my Scarlet period underwear, I love lounging around the house in the Boyshorts with a big baggy tee shirt, hot water bottle and vegan Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. My latest obsession is Friends, I’m rewatching it for the hundredth time and it’s always such a comfort.

What beauty, wellness and/or sleep essentials are in your bedside drawer right now?

Being Taurean, we love simple pleasures and luxurious fabrics. I’m so obsessed with my FlipSlip, my hair has never looked better in the morning. I can’t live without my diffuser with a few drops of Lavender oil, it instantly turns the bedroom into relaxing day-spa vibes.

What keeps you inspired?

Disconnecting and switching off from social media, technology, and noise. I love being out in nature and pushing myself to be adventurous. Feeling recharged makes me feel inspired and just the act of creating things.

Are there any social, environmental or cultural shifts you hope will happen in the next 5-10 years?

My hope is that…periods will get the attention and education they deserve, especially for the younger generation. More people will embrace reusable period care as the norm, as it’s such a better experience. More Australian employers and businesses will support and adopt menstrual leave and more period-friendly policies as standard for those who experience severe period pain - at least one in nine people with periods experience endometriosis and have to reduce their work hours to manage their symptoms.

Can you recall reading, watching or listening to something that completely changed your mind or life in someway.

Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza has been one of the single most life-changing books I’ve read. I recommend it to anyone wanting to understand the mind.

50 Things You Need To Know About Periods by Claire Baker, for anyone who wants to understand and feel in sync with their hormonal cycle (it’s such an easy read).

What are you prioritising most in 2023?

More sleep, less stress.


Linen or Silk (or both)? SILK
Book or Netflix before bed?
Period Undies or Menstrual Cups?
Period undies with a cup on heavy days.
Morning Person or Night Owl?
I’m a night owl, but I’m trying to change that.
Dreamer or Realist?
Dreamer, always.
Describe your bedroom in 3 words….
light, airy, comfy.
I’m currently bingeing….
The Witcher.
My last meal on earth would be…
I fall asleep thinking about…
what I need to achieve tomorrow.
I dance like nobodies watching to…
Hot Chip.
I couldn't live without…
sleep, ocean, coffee.
My dream destination is….
The Greek Islands.
The most *star sign* thing about me is…
“I deserve it”.
I would tell my younger self…
don’t be so hard on yourself.
I wish I had known sooner….
you can do anything, but you don’t have to do everything.
I can’t go to bed unless…
I have clean sheets.
Words I live by are…
Be kind.
The last thing I do before bed is…
kiss my partner goodnight.
The first thing I do when I wake is….
say good morning to my coffee machine.
One product that changed my life is….
Scarlet Boyshorts.
The last time I cried was….
my last cycle lol